Friday, September 16, 2011

I wore clothes out of my own closet all this week, for the first time in 2 years.  It felt really good and I got compliments from Mike.  No more maternity clothes or Tshirts and sweats.

Had lots of energy lately...well, more and more every day since Mae's birth, but even more since our back-to-work routines are getting ironed out.  I'm no longer nursing Mae and so I can drink caffeinated beverages again.  This also feels really really good.

Worked on a preparedness-pantry project today.  Also the diary project.  And spent some time backing up video files that had never been backed up before.  Still working on that - there's a lot of video to go through.  Libby has started taking naps or going to bed early, so this lets me get a little more done in the day than I would have before.

Also spent some unscheduled time trying to figure out how to repair this laptop.  Sadly, I have come to the conclusion that I would not recommend the HP Pavilion dv6 series.  The keyboard is too strange with built in hotkeys that go off at the slightest touch, and now the fan has become annoyingly noisy (though rather quiet as I type this - but sounded like a hair dryer when I was Googling for fixes).  When I Googled the noisy fan problem, I found about a hundred or more entries from people complaining of the same, and evidently there really isn't a fix and HP claims it's not a repair issue.  I'm still debating if I will take it in for warranty service or not.

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