Friday, February 17, 2017

Friday coffee post

Blogging for 10+ years makes me more conscious of the fact that sometimes things just go nuts all at once and our schedule gets messed up. So there's no need for me to repeat what I always say when this happens, that I hate having my schedule messed up.

I sort of alluded to the issue a couple weeks ago when I said "Mike is sick" and "things have to change" but that's really all I said. The following week I didn't publish my Friday post because it was just too raw but it said words like "the nanny's husband went to jail on a domestic violence charge and now he's out on bail and living with my WT neighbor since he has a restraining order". So this is the nanny's problem for real, but is it fair to say it's also kind of mine when she can't come to work? Let's just say, whether or not it's fair for me to say it, her issues at the very least interrupt my daily life as well, and I sympathize, but also wish I had better last minute backup. We do have last minute backup day care but it's not as easy as it sounds.

Hey, how's it going setting up the new day care? You might ask me. Because it seems relevant and like really good timing to get that going now. It's going slowly. I exchanged emails with our real estate agent and though she had some creative ideas, the real estate market in Portland is just too insane right now and we can not afford to buy a building at these prices. So we have to pursue a lease, and at the moment I'm waiting for the tax accountant to call and say that he needs every penny I have, which is GOOD because it means we made money this year, right? But it is hard to do first + last + security deposit which is illegal in California but not here in Oregon. 

Coffee is almost gone. Something GOOD to focus on is that despite all the interruptions my kids are ahead in their grade level in their homeschooling and I am very proud of them. They are training for a Tae Kwon Do tournament next month. I can't wait.

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