Monday, August 01, 2011

Mostly quiet day today.  Mae kept me up half the night, but I still managed to get out of bed at a reasonable hour, in preparation for the approaching day when I will have to care for 2 babies by myself.  I confess I'm not looking forward to that, but I'm trying not to stress about it too much.  I have my niece's help for the next week, and maybe even DH's help after that, since he is back on a normal "day" schedule again, which I am loving.

Mae is 2 weeks old and thriving, in my opinion, but she has her 2-week checkup tomorrow to confirm.  She is sort of a picky eater, but I think she's doing ok in spite of that.  Post-partum for me is going well too, though I'm apparently the only mammal on the planet who experiences a negative physical reaction to the natural oxytocin hormone.  Oh well.  Knowing what's causing the symptoms helps me to cope, so I'm actually doing just fine.

DH is making homemade pizza for dinner.

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