Friday, February 21, 2020

Friday 5

Things that happened this week. Let's see if I can get to 5.

1. Saw magician Jason Latimer's science presentation at OMSI. The kids saw it twice this week, once with their home school group and then we took them back today so we grownups could see it too. It was good and I thought it was cool that Mae understood when he was talking about how the internet can be wrong and we can't limit ourselves only the answers that are ranked highest on Google. He pushed the audience to question everything, wonder, ask more questions, and don't accept that something is a "fact" just because everyone else says it is. It also really felt like he was talking directly to Mike because this relates to Mike's career. It was very inspiring.

2. We had to get a new transmission for the 4x4 and I'm pretty sure it cost more than the car is actually worth, so I hope we now have a 4x4 that will last us a good long time.

3. I had another Revolutionary War ancestor approved by DAR. That's 10 approved so far, including 2 I think that were "new" patriots that I proved for the first time. I have 5 more mailed and sitting in Washington DC waiting to be approved. Then I have 3 more ready to mail I just haven't done it yet on account of they are $75 each and I get annoyed when I sit down to write the check. Then I have 3 more in process. And last I have 10 more where the line is possible but I am stuck on something.

4. Mayflower Society still hasn't even mailed my application. They have been the worst to deal with and to be honest I have lost interest. They are utterly bizarre. I have worked with their Historians in Oregon, Washington, and California and they've all been...never mind. Anyway, the gal that has had my application SINCE NOVEMBER 2018 still hasn't mailed it, but she recently told me that she would "hopefully" get to it "soon" since I'm on her to-do list. And yes she verified that my lineage and backup is correct, she literally only needs to hit PRINT and MAIL.

5. We had to lay off my personal assistant because we couldn't afford her anymore..

6. Oh, and one more thing, I took an Excel class and this week I wrote the most amazing Excel formula to use in my day job. I was so freaking proud of myself.

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