Saturday, March 25, 2017

Coffee post! x2

First an update to my last post about the epipen...I ended up transferring the script to Target/CVS and they got it to me for $10. And they were beyond helpful and nice - I wished I had more scripts I could transfer to them. But I am delighted to say I am off all prescriptions unless you count my custom allergy drops.

Now on to my latest grievance and it's my tax accountant who is now fired. There are many lessons here. (1) Don't hire tax accountants that were recommended by someone who doesn't exactly have her financial and tax house in order. (2) Verify everything the accountant says. (3) Just do it yourself anyway the way you've always done.

Because it is the saddest thing, this guy gave us terrible "advice" a year ago and we operated incorrectly in 2016. Then we brought him our tax package in February and he said it would be done in a few can see how that story ends. So I threw my hands up and did it myself (with TurboTax) and that's when I figured out the terrible error that occurred in 2016. I feel wretched about it but it can't be helped now. I imagine many first-year business owners make the same mistake. Actually I know it because I Googled it. I plan to tell the accountant that I will be billing him for the penalties and fines.

(I wrote this last week or is my current coffee post...)

One sunny day and I pulled out all the raspberry vines myself. We have had so much rain, the ground was so muddy the vines came up easily.

The river is so high. I want to get photos. Where there used to be beaches and riverbank is now just water. It seems we will all float away. This photo (credit: The Oregonian) is the beach area called "High Rocks" and at this time it is entirely under water. I have never seen the water as high as it is right now, though the locals are talking about "events" from 1990 and prior when it was even higher. I see ambulances head down there from time to time which means someone fell in the water again.

Portland is grieving the end of the Grimm TV show. I am still on season 3 so I have a lot of catching up to do if I want to watch the series finale with the rest of Portland. I have to avoid Portland news due to spoilers. But here's a shot from season 3 episode 1. I have driven past the real Tippy Canoe many times on the way to Multnomah Falls, so that was fun. (photo credit: Lindsey Skinner)

I did all of our tax package in 2 days. A Friday night, then after we got our Oregon tax ID number on Tuesday I prepared and mailed everything Tuesday. I joke about going into business, forgetting that at one time I was a licensed tax preparer. The IRS told me they would waive the penalties since we are a first-year business and as I predicted, they said it does happen all the time.

I'm beside myself with happiness over the progress on the Vietnam War Commemoration projects I am working on. A draft copy of my book was borrowed and presented to a local city council where, I was told, it was very well received. The book helped to galvanize a partnership between the city, the American Legion, and my DAR chapter, to build a memorial. Last week we formed the partnership and chose a location. We hired a stoneworker. He has 2 weeks to present a cost proposal. The Legion already raised a lot of money all by themselves so I hope we don't have to raise much more, but we also have lots of interested parties who could help. In the meantime many people are helping me with my book and I want to have it final by Memorial Day.

potential memorial site

click to make bigger. We propose to put a stone monument where that center garden is, and replace the benches

Coffee cup is empty so that's all for now.

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