Sunday, December 01, 2013

The future of this blog, aka Read At Your Own Risk

This is the time of year when I do, what is known across the pond, as a life audit.  If I Google the term, it doesn’t seem it has made it over here stateside.  But since it appears that the Brits are much more prolific than Americans in all forms of art and media (somehow, in my house, anyway) I of course am familiar with the term.  I love this time of year and the feeling of renewal that it offers.

I accepted a temporary promotion in August and I am still doing the extra work.  I am grateful for the work, but it has gone on longer than I had expected.  I had told myself it would be a temporary interference in my schedule, but it has stopped feeling that way.  Now I have to really consciously remind myself that my schedule will NOT always be like this.

And now I must confess to you another reason I stopped writing.  It is because several months ago I tried a very deliberate experiment.  I wrote something sincere, and then I was told that my audience can not handle the truth.  I am still not over that remark.  The “offensive” post has been deleted, btw, only because I was ashamed that anyone would have dared to be offended by it (does that make any sense?).

When I started this blog, it was meant to be a lazy way to keep in touch with a large group of people I was leaving for a job change.  It has evolved into more of an outlet for myself, my life has evolved into something totally different than it was when this blog began, and I know my audience has evolved as well. 

I’ve taken my truly uncensored writing somewhere else.  However, if you are only interested in updates on Libby and Mae, you can bookmark these links and go to them instead of the main page.

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