Saturday, April 12, 2008

Feline Pine is awesome

We've been using a new kitty litter called Feline Pine. It's little pellets made of pine, and when they get wet they disintegrate into sawdust. I've been hesitant to use any kind of kitty litter that doesn't clump. Many years ago I tried that Yesterday's News litter, which is pellets of newspaper, and it was awful! Feline Pine is not like that. You just pour about half an inch of pellets into the box. Just a small amount. Our cat Miss Jack did not mind it at all. When all the pellets dissolve into sawdust, you just dump out the box and start over. In the meantime there is NO SMELL at all, except for the occasional smell of pine. I don't know how it works, but it's amazing and I highly recommend Feline Pine!

1 comment:

Vonnie said...

I've been using this litter for a few years now... it's the best stuff! :)


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